Drawing from the underground to the train

Metro de Madrid

When you're travelling on public transport at least 6 hours a day, it's really worth it to take your sketchbook and pen with you... At first it's a bit impressive to draw people, that's why it's easier to begin with feet and hands to get used to it.

I also blew parts of my mp3 tunes on the paper... 

Metro de Madrid

You can also transform a routine landscape in a multiple lines game : the every day trip becomes funny ! Here the Madrid towers, 4 trips a day in front of them helps to observe and be able to draw them with closed eyes. And that's great ! 

Metro de Madrid

Then we jump : let's draw underground people ! Another good thing to have the same trip everyday : models come back too ! And they sleep !

Metro de Madrid

Changing tools and composing pages is good to make it spicy and never be faid up with it ! 

Metro de Madrid

Little by little draw asleep people, awake people, moving people... Change exercices. 

Metro de Madrid

Finally, if once someone is bothered to be drawn, usually they are happy about it, even speak with you and have fun as much as you do. Perfect. 

Metro de Madrid

When you feel stressed about it, back to feet series to recover confidence...  

Metro de Madrid

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