As we're still in january...

I draw my Finn god son's portrait
and wish you again happy new year
(in Finnish !)
I also share with you my joy to see this display (Hotel Kafka - Madrid) dedicated to my Spanish publisher Demipage,
and my book as a painting's detail,
an harmonious color in this composition.
And winter in Madrid. Some are still hot !

Happy new year !

31th of Decembre, 4 h 55 pm :
I call my brother who lives in Canton, China.
Ignoring it's almost midnight over there !
Ignoring there is no celebration going on over there.

As Madrid is empty,
as we feel the houses bursting,
people preparing themselves frenetically,
I feel the other side of the phone so quiet and silent...

New year will come later,
it will bring holidays ;
my brother will stroll around
and take magic pictures,
I will ask him to post some here...

This drawing is a clin d'oeil to my brother,
who, unfortunately, won't be able to see it :
he lives in China,
blogger is censured...