Workshop Sheherazade's destiny

Yomad Publishers
Boyan Behrmann -
Emily Nudd Mitchell

A fantastic novel full of tips to build up our life... 

Workshop : Black and white orientalist illustration
(10-14 years old - workshop 1/2 day - full day - several sessions) 
This novel's illustrations are inspired by oriental art for these fantastic adventures down in the roses' valley, so famous in Morroco... As the oriental artists do, let's realise an artistic illustration in an orientalist way, highlighting and contrasting with shadows, to produce a strong and aesthetic picture. 
- Know more about oriental art (friezes, ceramics, shadows and light on ornaments)
- Practice composition, drawing, balance between black and white.
- Learn about arabic letters.
- A4 sheets of paper, pens, pencils (colour)
- Videoprojector with computer
- The book to prepare the meeting

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