Madrilene Epiphany

Every year after Christmas, as a good French girl, I rush back to Madrid on January the 2nd : in France, Wise men, dunno. 

Why would have I changed my timetable this year ? 
I finally felt lucky to discover I had a free week in Madrid... Maybe too lonely and idle for me. I combed through the "Madrid digest", and I decided that I would visit a museum each day, and then see a show each night, on my own, to delight in culture, and draw draw draw. 

Delacroix - Orientalismissimo
I really enjoyed Madrilene Epiphany, my artistic epiphany. Maybe I'll do it again !

Day 1 : Exhibition Delacroix + Thyssen Museum + exhibition Berthe Morisot + Show Ballet and Flamenco.

What I prefered : discovering the influence of what I saw during the day on my drawings at night, seating in the first row, right below the flamenco dancers' heels, tacata tacata tacata... My heart following them, leaving me without breath... and my pen without guide... Gosh ! Impressed I am !

(and the little frame "River Saint Arnoult" 
from Eugène Boudin : at my parents ! 
The good thing for people from Normandy, 
if we miss our beloved province,
we just have to rush to the next museum
and visit impressionnists' masterpieces...
Homesick cured.)

 Morisot - so strong !

And for the first time, I hear spanish people say "olé !"
Suddenly, the dancers are so touching that the whole assistance's hands, the whole assistance's feet, the whole assistance's voices are itching... Voices and hearts raising together...

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